Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, age 68, of Princeton passed away July 6, 2007 at Fairview Northland Regional Hospital in Princeton. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 A.M. on Wednesday, July 11th at the Church of The Open Door in Maple Grove. A visitation will be held 1 hour prior to the service at the church and also from 5:00 – 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, July 10th at Strike Funeral Home – Cambridge Chapel.
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, 68, of Princeton went home to be with the Lord on Friday, July 6, 2007, after a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Kathleen Erin Hogg was born June 3, 1939 to Charles and Gladys (Coker) Hogg in Alexandria, Louisiana. She attended school locally and graduated in 1957. She met her future husband at a sock hop for servicemen and on July 20, 1956 married Air Force Lieutenant Ross Eugene Woodiwiss.
Ross and Kathleen were blessed with three sons. Sean Alan was born in Alexandria, Louisiana four years after they were wed. Dorren James followed two years later in Tachikawa, Japan. Eight years after in Minneapolis, Minnesota Heath Alexander made their family complete.
Kathleen enjoyed fashion modeling in Japan, later designing and creating many of her own gowns and costumes for numerous officer’s club functions that she attended with her husband Ross. In the history of the Morgan Grand National Horse Show she was the first rider/driver to have won both Amateur Pleasure Grand Championships with the same horse. Many family camping trips were also humorously remembered and retold.
On a typewriter she had given her husband, Kathleen created her first historical romance novel. After many numerous rejections she retyped the entire book, editing and double spacing it, and submitted it to one of the first name’s (Avon) appearing on a list of publishers. Kathleen was one of the first authors to enter the world of historical romance fiction of over 600 pages. She is considered by many to be the creator of this genre. Kathleen has a couple of short stories and 13 best selling novels now in circulation. With more than 36 million copies in print the legend continues on.
Kathleen’s happiest moments were spent with her children and grandchildren. She was a proud supporter of her grandchildren’s interests; attending numerous ballet performances, football games, and singing pursuits.
Kathleen is survived by sons Sean and Heath, Sean’s wife Denise and their children Alexa, Amber, Seth, Arienne, and two sisters, Evelyn Vanderford, and Lynn (Cub) Feltner. She is preceded in death by Ross, son Dorren, her parents, and six of her eight siblings.
The very first romance novel I ever read was The Flame and the Flower. It was wonderful and I have loved reading romances ever since. I was very sorry to hear of Kathleen’s passing, and I want to express my condolences to her family. She will be missed.
My Condolences goes out to the Family.
I know She will be missed by all.
Your loved one created so many books that I dearly loved and have re-read over the years. She started my love of romance novels. I send you all my prayers and the comfort of God.
I pray for the family and friends. Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, your readers won’t forget you!!!
One of the first romance books I read was “The Flame and the Flower” I was hooked from then on. My deepest sympathy is with Ms. Woodiwiss family at this time. As well as my thoughts and prayers.
I remember reading your mother’s books as a teenager and getting lost in the rich text that she used. I still have these books and will revisit them soon. We as the public have lost a great writer, you as family have lost so much more. Remember the good times and know that you will see her again one day, although she is still watching over you. I truly believe that.
I am so sorry for the death of you mom & i just found out about it. I have enjoyed her books for years & she will be greatly missed
I have always loved reading, but my love for it increased when I discovered Kathleen Woodiwiss and the style of writing that she created. My daughter Kim also loves these books, our favorite is The Wolf and The Dove. I have re-read each and every one of her books several times. I am also a military wife with 3 children and one born overseas. My son is soon to be stationed in Japan. Kathleen knew how to write novels that made people want to read and history that also informed people about the life and times of a paticular period. She was young and she will be missed. Our family has also suffered loss over the last few years from cancer so we doubly sympathize with you. She left her family much to be proud of and friends (readers) who will miss her.
As a young mother in the late 60s I didn’t have much money to spend on entertainment or travel. Having always been an avid reader, I began reading Ms. Woodiswiss’ novels…Shanna, Ashes in the Wind, etc…and I was instantly transported to another place and time…a gentler time of elegance and romance.
Her novels provided a wonderful escape from the hectic days that I so enjoyed with my children. Because of her books, I think I was a better mother and wife, … for a little while…I could relax and regenerate myself….even if I did stay up half the night to read “just one more chapter”.
I think I am going to reread all of her books and perhaps be reminded of my earlier life.
Thanks to her forever.
Laura Barnes
The hearts of many (reader)fans are crying many tears over the loss of your loved one. Because of her books, my loved for reading increased, I personally think that she was the best of romance author’s. No one can match the style of writing that Kathleen Woodiwiss created like… Shanna, The Flame and the Flower, The Wolf and The Dove, Ashes in the Wind and others. My deepest sympathy goes out to the Family.I just want to thank you for sharing her.I know She will be missed by all..
I was so shocked and saddened when I saw the article in the newspaper on the passing of your mother, Kathleen. When asked who my favorite authors are, she has always been the number one on my list. I read her “The Flame and the Flower” in 1972 and a love affair started with her writings. I along with many other’s, I found out, have re-read her books over and over througthout the years. I met her once over 20 years ago at a signing and was thrilled.
She will be greatly missed and my condolences go out to all of her family. May God grant you peace at this time.
To the Woodiwiss Family.
You have my deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved. Ms. Woodiwiss was the first romance writer I read when the genre was started by her andothers.
She meant the world to me. She was and will always be my one favorite author. What a glorious lady to share her supreme talents with all of us.God bless her. I know she is in his sweet arms now.
To Sean and Heath, may all your memories be wonderful and sweet. May the pain lessen and the love she gave you remain constant and close to your hearts.
Know that your mother’s light will never go out in this world. Her writing has touched so many millions of women that I count her among one of the greatest people of all time.
Words can’t describe how very much she will be missed and is loved.
God bless.
Cindy Oldham
I am filled with great sorow at the passing of my favorite author. I so enjoyed her books. I have read and reread each one that I could quote them. I run a small used bookstore and I am so pleased when I can introduce her books to my customers who then become hooked. I have personally read The Flame and The Flower so many times that I’ve gone through 4 copies! It’s my favorite book of all time. Kathleen could make you fall so deeply into her books that you felt as though the characters were your friends and family.
I send the family my prayers and condolences. Your Kathleen was a wonderful woman and a great author and she will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
Brenda Condit
It was lot a shot in the heart when I read that Kathleen Woodiwiss had passed. Her gift of creating these beautiful characters that I read in my youth, have stayed with me and quite frankly, informed my own character as I grew into an adult myself. I am so glad that she was able to finish her last novel. In this way, to her public she lives on. However, I am honestly so sorry for the losses that that her family have suffered in that of a brother, too young to pass, and a mother that I’m sure you were proud to call your own. God’s Grace on
My condlences to Kathleen’s family. Her passing is a great lost to everyone who reads books. Her books started me reading, and I love everyone of her books which I have and read over and over again. I just have to have her storytelling. I send her family my prayers, and God has a great gift in a storyteller by his side for his enjoyment.
To the Woodiwiss family,
I was saddened to learn of Kathleen Woodiwiss’ death. She was so young! And so much more to give. However she left us with so much to treasure. I was a new bride in 1980 when my mother sent me a copy of A Rose in Winter for Christmas. I loved it! And I have so enjoyed reading Ms. Woodiwiss’ books. I often recall A Rose in Winter and the wonderful love story especially meaningful as I was just beginning my own wonderful romance in real life! I have kept a copy of that book on my shelf and will treasure it (and the memory) always. God be with you now and hopefully you can fing comfort in the joy your mother brought to so many.
Mi sentimiento para vosotros hijos de Kathleen por lo que significa ver sufrir y perder a una madre. De ella fue la primera novela romántico-histórica que llegó a mis manos. Que como los hombres y mujeres de sus libros sepais sobreponeros al dolor y confiar en el futuro.
In 1984 I was going through a divorce, fearing to be a physically challenged (I was born with a walking disability) single parent. To lift my spirits and forget my woes a friend brought me a romance book…the first I ever read…entitled, “A Rose In Winter”, by author Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. I devoured each page as well as the pages of every book thereafter I could find written by her. Her work inspired me to write my first historical entitled, “The Golden Lady.” After numerous rejections I wrote a prose letter to her, telling her how much I admired the way she dipicted her hero and heroines. She responded with encouragement to my own writing career, telling me to never give up my dream of being published. Years later I joined Romance Writers of America and became the Newsletter Editor for my local chapter. Kathleen, remembering my letter from almost twenty years prior, granted me an interview and again encouraged me to reach for my writing goal.
Today I am multi-published. My first paranormal romantic suspense entitled, “Coma Coast” was released October of 2006; its sequel, a paranormal romantic thriller entitled, “The Vanity” was released August of 2007, both by Wings Press (www.wings-press.com). My third book, a romantic fantasy entitled, “A River Of Orange” is set to be released by the end of 2007 by The Wild Rose Press (www.thewildrosepress.com). And with this writing resume I was able to land a position of Assistant Editor for Independence Today Newspaper (a national publication dedicated to the needs and rights of the disabled). Recently I took out “The Golden Lady” and rewrote/revised it, sending a proposal to Source Books. The editor has requested the entire manuscript for consideration. This book will definitely be dedicated to Kathleen….my only regret is that she won’t be able to read what she inspired. But her spirit and legacy will always live on in the hearts of readers and writers alike.
Roberta C.M. DeCaprio
To the Woodiwiss family,
I was greatly saddened to hear of your loss. I’ve enjoyed Ms. Woodiwiss books for many years and as a reader and bookseller have recommended them many times.
She will be missed.
I am so sorry to learn about Kathleen’s death. I happened upon THE FLAME AND THE FLOWER when it was first published. I was immediately hooked on her books. I cannot remember the number of times I’ve read FATF, nor can I remember the number of copies I’ve bought for myself [when I wore out my first copy]and for my mother and friends — all of whom because lifelong Woodiwiss fans, especially my mother]. Her books were enjoyable, romantic, and written with class. A good lady — a good writer — a wonderful example for others to follow.
Dear Woodiwiss family, I’m truly sadden to read about Ms. Kathleen’s death. I can remember reading The Flame and the Flower for the time in high school (circa 1981) and falling in love with historical romance stories. Her writing was wonderful and to this day I go back and reread her books. I think I have all of her books and will continue to cherish and reread them when the mood hits me. May God continue to cradle your family in his loving arms as your wounds heal from her passing. Shirley.
My most heartfelt condolences to the family of the wonderfully imaginative human being that was and will forever remain…Kathleen E. Woodiwiss.
I was first gifted with “Shanna” while in the hosspital when I was 20 ( I am now in my early 40’s). I read, and read, and reread this book for years and it remains my favorite. To he point that when I misplaced it, I imediately went out and replaced it.
It was several years before I could go out and buy her other works (knowing I would not be satisfied with Library copies). Eventually I owned everything I could get my hands on, waiting impatiently for the next remarkable story to be released. I found out in March that the next work would be coming out on October. Imagine my astonishment when, while looking for a release date so I might pre- purchase, I came across the sad news. Sad for those of us left behind, for Mrs. Woodiwiss is in a far better place than we.
I have since shared her works with friends, and friends of friends exposing a whole new generation to the wonderful works of art by her. And believe that every man should read at least one of these novels if he wishes just a tiny insoght into our minds.
Dear Kathleen,
Though we have never met, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hours of entertainment, learning, imagination and love of life that you shared with women around the world.
from one old soul to another….God’s Speed.
It is October and my heart is missing a piece that can never be recovered…my heart goes out to her family. Kathleen Woodiwiss is the reason I started writing and that I continue to write 40 years later. Her novels inspired an entire generation of women to strive to become strong and to search for that one true love. I will be waiting for Oct. 30 to get her last book. I cannot believe she is gone. Her family should know that her brilliance with the language and the unforgettable characters that she created will live on forever as a bright “flame” to keep the beautiful “flower” of the romance genre alive. My collection of all her books now take on even more significant meaning for me. You know that someone has touched your heart when suddenly you remember a title…like I do The Rose in Winter. I have always loved how that sounded. All her stories are my favorites, though. She was a tremendous lady. The world is missing a bright star.
It is October and my heart is missing a piece that can never be recovered…my heart goes out to her family. Kathleen Woodiwiss is the reason I started writing and that I continue to write 40 years later. Her novels inspired an entire generation of women to strive to become strong and to search for that one true love. I will be waiting for Oct. 30 to get her last book. I cannot believe she is gone. Her family should know that her brilliance with the language and the unforgettable characters that she created will live on forever as a bright “flame” to keep the beautiful “flower” of the romance genre alive. My collection of all her books now take on even more significant meaning for me. You know that someone has touched your heart when suddenly you remember a title at odd moments…like I do The Rose in Winter. I have always loved how that sounded. All her stories are my favorites, though. She was a tremendous lady. The world is missing a bright star.
I sit here stunned at the news just received now (Oct 31)of Kathleen’s illness and passing. My prayers and deepest sympathies, as well as warm wishes go to the families. Oh my God. I read “The Flame and The Flower” when I was 18. And although I did marry “a” Brandon Birmingham, it was always a great pleasure to read her latest novel…to see if any man could ever replace Brandon. (was never done, although my husband comes pretty close…he is a beast) I have not only read all Kathleen’s books but continue to re-read them, year after year. (now 46 years old) I’m always amazed how they give me little pick-me-ups and inspiration. As a huge KEW fan, I am truely devistated with this news and so deeply saddend.
Dear Woodiwiss Family,
Saying I’m so sorry for your loss seems to be so inadequate. Losing your mother is one of the hardest things a child has to go through this. I can say this because I have been there. I don’t want to waste your time with a bunch of meaningless platitudes. But please know this that your mother was my absolute favorite author. When my own mother was ill, she and I would read your mother’s books.
Your mother was a very gifted author, but I am sure you already know that. I have been a fan of hers, since I was 13 years old, and read my first book of hers which was ‘A Wolf and the Dove’. I always thought she was a wonderful person.
Thank you so much for letting them publish her last work. That must have been very difficult for you. Please know that your family is in my prayers. I only wish the best for you.
God Bless
Ms. Woodiwiss will be missed by so many people. She has brought so much pleasure to me after a hard days work. And when I am ready to sit down in the evening and read one of her books. I have so many of her books, that I will always keep. My very first one I ever read was The Flame an The Flower, and then the The Elusive Flame. and The Wolf And The Dove. And so many more I have. And I Just got tonight Everlasting.
To The Woodiwiss Family:
I am deeply Sorry for your loss, Ms Woodiwiss was one of akind in her books, She made so many people happy with her books and I am one of them. She made me smile,she made me cry, and she made me laugh.
I do know what you are going threw as well . My Mother died of cancer at a early age as well.
My Prays are with you God Bless All.
I was reading Ms. Woodiwiss’ latest book that just came out and I saw on the back flap that it said she ‘was’ popular author. The ‘was’ troubled me. After I read the book, with dread I searched the internet to see if what I feared was true and it was. She is no longer with us. That saddens me very much. She is the only romance author I ever read. I wondered why she had not written in recent years. I suppose it was because of illness. I have all the books she ever wrote. I miss her terribly. This will most likely be the last romance book I ever read. I will reread the ones she wrote though. May she rest in peace. She was extremely gifted.
I am currently reading Mrs. Woodiwiss current work, Everlasting and read of her passing. My very sincerest condolences to her sons and family! Through the years, her books helped me overcome some very difficult times. As a teenager when I first read Flame and the Flower – all the way to her present and lasting tribute, I will always thank her for her contribution in helping a young mother, wife and daughter overcome sickness, marital difficulties, loss and other life events. She created characters and situations which helped me find escape in the pages of her books. For a moment in time, I didn’t have to face the current difficulties during those periods of my life that seemed unsurmountable. I fell in love with her heroes and heroins and believed that love could be found in the pages of each story as it unfolded! I awaited each book with great anticipation. It saddens me that after all these years, I have never written Kathleen to tell her this; yet, somehow, I am sure that she already knows – since she is truly in a better place where time and space are of little consequence.
To her family, I send peace and sympathy; to her fans – like myself, I extend condolence for the woman who will be truly, Everlasting.
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss was my favorite all time author and will always forever be. Kathleen was the queen of romance and she will be greatly missed.
My love of historical romance and history started at age 9 in 1968 with a re-release of Gone with the Wind. My grandmother at that time told me that the author had passed away, as had most of the stars, so I read the book, again and again, always wanting more of the genre. When historical romances began to appear in my library and bookstore, I read everything… None compared to a Woodiwiss. “Books by this Author” and “Coming in June” became my wish list, and I would always pick, out of the racks of books, choose a Woodiwiss. Later, my daughter got interested in the genre and I told her to stop with the Harlequins and get a Woodiwiss. So beautifully written, so true to facts, historically correct. And though it may sound strange, Kathleen’s books taught me that a woman’s “power” over a man is to love him completely, unabashedly, and to end up being his best friend. Apparently, she knew this herself and was generous enough to share this with us in her writings.
As a librarian and as a reader, I can’t imagine not having Kathleen E. Woodiwiss in this world. I just learned of her death.
God bless you all.
Some 28 years ago, I attended a book signing at Independence Center here in Independence, Missouri with my toddler son in my arms. I expressed to Mrs.Woodiwiss an interest in writing. She was very encouraging, but honestly told me it was not easy to get published. I still have the paperback she signed and I cherish it. Kathleen was a truly wonderful author. I will miss her. I only found out about her passing a few days ago. My sincere condolences to her family with included condolences on the death of Dorren.
To the family and friends of Ms. Woodiwiss. I am so sorry for your loss. Ms. Woodiwiss was one of my favorite authors and she will be missed. All of her books were such a joy to read. They were the kind of books that you could just lose yourself in. The very first book that I read was Ashes in the Wind and I couldn’t put it down and it will remain one of my all time favorites. Ms. Woodiwiss, thank you for the many hours of enjoyment. Bless you and yours. Hugs Misty
I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. Mothers are very special and cannot be replaced. The first novel I ever read (as not required by school) was Shanna in 1977 (which I have read many times). That got me hooked, I have been reading ever since – can’t fall asleep without a book. Kathleen has always been and will forever remain my favorite author. Thank you Kathleen for opening up such a wonderful world for me. Your books hold a special place on my shelf and in my heart.
it saddens me to hear of the death of Kathleen Woodiwiss…i have only just found out about it….she was my favorite author and the first book i ever read was The Wolf and the Dove, that started me on a lifelong addiction of romantic novels with Kathleen Woddiwiss being the favorite one. I have just about all her books and still take them out and re-read!!! she was the best at what she did!!! What a loss!!!my heart goes out to her family!!…may she rest in peace…Ellie
I have only now discovered that the most wonderful author of all time has passed. I cannot believe that this was not top page of every paper in the country back in July. My heartfelt condolences to her family and friends and also to her readers. We will never again know that total thrill of a new Kathleen E. Woodiwiss novel. What a loss to us all. As I sit here now, crying at my keyboard, I can still feel the swept away feeling I got when I read my first novel, The Flame and The Flower in 1972. I was 12 and my new sister-in-law gave me her copy to read. My mama would have died! LOL!!! I have no doubt that at 17 when I met and fell in love for the first and only time of my life it was partially because he was my ‘Brandon’! 6’2″, smut black hair, ice water blue eyes, rugged yet loving. I knew it immediately. I have to say THANK YOU to your mother for my being able to recognize what that ‘lightening thru your body’ feeling was at such a young age. Your mother might not have had a daughter but his little Mississippi girl learned as much from her about romance as if she was with me teaching me herself as a mother would. I will never forget thinking to myself, ‘now why on earth did Janice think I’d want to read this big old book’. Then I lifted the cover and read the poem in the front. At that moment everything I had ever thought about reading was ‘seared away’ and the ‘gentle flower’ then renewed a lifetime of the love of reading. That poem simply sucked the breath out of my body. I have been hooked ever since. I was also shocked to see that Ms Woodiwiss lived in Alexandria, LA. I have an uncle who lives in Tioga, the same area. If I’d only known then that she was living there, on some of my visits I would have walked stright up to her door to thank her in person for the influence she had had on my life. That is if I could have actually been able to speak upon meeting her. I have and still do love each and every one of her books but I will never forget the feeling of mere words being able to physically affect me as the poem in The Flame and The Flower did. Thanks to your mother, at the young age of 12, I discovered the power of words. What greater gift can one person bestow on another? I will mourn her passing but revel in the memory of her writings.
My deepest sympathy’s go out to Sean and Heath and family’s. I was introduced to Kathleen’s book “The Wolf and the Dove” about thirty years ago and I just fell completely in love with it. I have since read all of her books and I am now reading “Everlasting”. She was a marvelous author and from that I can tell that she was a marvelous person and friend. I am looking forward to reading all of her books again.
My heartfelt condolences to the Woodiwiss Family. I fell in love with Kathleen’s novels many years ago. My first introduction to her works was with the publication of Ashes In The Wind. I truly loved that book! I re-read it several times and still think of the characters today. Her descriptive writing could take you away to the places and times of the characters. I’ve read and re-read several of her novels and still enjoy them. I recently learned of her passing when my sister purchased several of her novels. She will be greatly missed, but will live on in her writings, her spectacular creations.
Chicago, Illinois
I only heard the news in the notable deaths of the year on 12/28/07 and this is the first time I have had to look it up and get the details. My mother also died of cancer and I am awaiting biopsy results now. I have always loved your mothers books and so saddened to see that she had passed. I am sure Kathleen is in a better place. I look forward to reading her last book and sure I will cherish her memory.
Kim Martin
Hurst TX
I just now found out that Mrs. Woodiwiss died. I am so very sad to hear this & will miss not being able to read any knew books of hers. I have been waiting for her new one to come out & just found the new one a few weeks ago & will cherish it all the more it being her last one. I have all her novels & I think her 2 short shorties. I have reread a few of them alredy & will reread them all in the years to come. She will be miss by not only her family but anyone that has read her works. Again deepest regards.
i am so sad to hear that katleen has live the world i Just found out yesterday i did cry alot she is the best writer i know in my life iam 16 year old girl and readed al your books in 3 months that because i loved your books and you you have inspirerd me to be a writer and i am sure i will make you proud i didnt use to read but when i started one of your books i couldt stop and all because of your wonderfull writing iam crying while writing this
ilove you and i will think abut you while reading your books foor the 20st time with love shila from holland
One day in 1972 I picked up The Flame and The Flower and stayed up all night reading it. I was very disappointed to find out it was a first book because I had to wait for my next “fix”. I eagerly awaited the next, and the next, and the next.
I just found out about Kathleen’s death and send my deepest sympathy to her family.
I am so sorry to hear of the death of your mom
she was a great lady and a great writter I have read all her books and treasured them .
my deepest sympathy to you and your family
It has been a little over a year now since we lost an absolute phenomenal writer and I still can’t believe she’s gone. I never liked reading in school, but after graduating my sister gave me “A Rose in Winter” and I instantly found my greatest past time and my all time favorite author. I love each and every one of her books, ARIW the most, and have read them repeatedly. My sister and I used to call each other when we heard she would be releasing another novel and race to the bookstore to get the first copies. My prayers go out to her son’s. She was a great lady and will be forever missed.
I have watched and watched for a new novel from my favorite author only to just learn of her passing years ago! Please know that I sooo miss Ms Woodiwiss and her writings! I watched eagerly every year for a new novel, knowing that it would take me away into another world. My sister and I read “Shanna” more than once and, friends and I have more than once discussed who would play each character should it become a movie. My prayers go out to the family. I know you miss her and the reading world will continue to miss her also.
I just finished reading Mrs. Woodiwiss’ last book, Everlasting, and thought to send her a letter to tell her how much I have enjoyed her books over the years. I own all of them and have read each one more than once over the years. While looking in the book to see if there was an address to write to her, I realized that it said she “was” one of America’s most popular authors and am deeply saddened to learn that she passed away. I’m sure you’ve heard this by thousands of people, but she is definitely my favorite author and her books brought me countless hours of great joy. My deepest sympathy to her family. She brought a great deal of joy to so many people through her words and will be greatly missed.
I was a teenager when I read The Wolf and the Dove -now I am 49 and reading Everlasting – I have read Shanna so many times my copy of the book has started to fall apart and the pages are turning yellow. Now that I have learned there will be no more books written by KEW it makes the books of hers that I own all that more precious to me.
To Mrs. Woodiwiss’s Family, my most heartfelt sympathy and condolences. I know your pain is deep and seems endless, but trust that God will heal it. He healed mine and not a day goes by that I don’t think of my loved ones. And that gives me comfort. I hope and pray that it will be so for ya’ll as well.
I met her at a book signing once for “Shanna” and I’ve never forgotten. I was so overjoyed! I was on my lunch hour and thought I wouldn’t make it there in time, but I did. She signed my book and was so apologetic when she found she had misspelled my name. I quickly told her, it was alright. I didn’t care. My greatest honor that day was meeting her. My heart is heavy with tears, because she are no longer with us, but that memory I will hold dear forever. Thank you Kathleen … for all the wonderful books and all the enjoyment you brought to me. There will never be another writer like you. You were truly special to me. I will miss you so much, but I know you are with God and with him there is no more pain. Only peace. God Bless You and Keep You in His Loving Care … Always.
I am greatly saddened by the loss of such an amazingly talented writer. I could tell from the books Kathleen wrote that she was an amazing person and how much she must have enjoyed life.
I cannot begin to impart the joy her books gave to me. She is by far my favorite author. I have all of her novels (several copies of each one) and I have read and reread them all many times. Reading her books, you become a part of them and I feel as if I know the characters personally and in depth. Not just the women, but the men as well.
To the family and friends of Kathleen, my prayers are with you and please know that those of us that never met her loved her also.