Joey Mahlberg, age 49, died September 5, 2011 at his home. Memorial services will be held at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, September 17th at Strike Funeral Home – Cambridge Chapel with Rev. Delwayne Hahn officiating. A time for visiting will be one hour prior.
Joseph David Mahlberg was born October 9, 1961 to Albert and Magdalena (Kaiser) in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They lived in Anoka and moved to Braham in 1967. He graduated from Westview Senior High School, class of 1980. Joey had taken many different career paths; he worked on a highway crew, at Red’s TV & Appliances, owned the Jolly Tapper in Isanti, part owner of Mahlden Plumbing and Heating, and drove truck for Potrament Truck Line. Joey most recently worked as a plumber for both D & D Anderson Heating and Plumbing in Bradford and Northern Plumbing Tech in Elk River.
Joey was a true Jack-of-all-trades. Joey loved life and he lived it to the fullest. He was always on a bowling trip, hunting trip, or a snowmobile trip. Joey’s biggest passion was softball, it was a huge part of his life, from playing it to coaching it. Everyone knew and loved Coach Joey. Joey was always described as a Good Friend, One of a Kind, and a Great Guy. Joey was a big man, with a big heart and you could say he was larger than life.
Joey died September 5, 2011 at his home at the age of 49 years, 10 months and 27 days. Joe is preceded in death by his parents and by his brother Al.
He is survived by brother, Robert (Robyn) of Andover and their children Jaime (Troy) Grabow and their children, Abigail and Annika of Edina and Heather Mahlberg and her daughter, Peyton of Eldon, MO.
Joe man you will be deeply missed by our family. You were with us from the very start and were always there for us when we asked thank you for being our friend. To the family we give our condolences may god bless
Joey you were one of a kind!! You will be greatly missed! Lots of great laughs will be remembered!!
Joey you will forever hold a special place in my heart! You will be greatly missed by so many. I feel very blessed to have had you a part of my life! My prayers go out to the Mahlberg family. God Bless You.
I am so shocked. Robert, this is just so unbelievable. Our family offers our condolences. Joey was one of a kind. He will be missed.
We are very sorry to hear of Joey’s passing. Joey was a good friend and he will forever be missed. He had a big heart and was willing to do anything for anyone. Rest in peace Joey. Sincerely Brad and Cheryl
What fun we had in such a short time, thank you for welcoming me with open arms I truly will miss your smile. xo Linda. JOEY you have the biggest and warmest heart. You took me in like a brother, including the whole family..WE could never thank you enough for your friendship. Working with you on the highway crew and at the JOLLY TAPPER were some very special times, and cant ever be forgotten.. LOVE YOU JOE… RICH
knew joey along time. he had a great louis armstrong voice. sang at koroake and he hit the song perfect. you will be missed. my prayers are with his family. he was a GREAT freind
We will miss Joe so much,he has shared in so many of our special moments, We always called him our first baby because he moved in with us the day after our wedding and stayed for 3 years, I still remember the day I came home from work early and found Joe and Mike had put a clothes pin on the cats tail and were having so much fun watching it run, boy was i mad. They could not be trusted to be alone together without them getting into trouble. We will always remember Joes cooking skills when he would come home late at night,(scrambled eggs and tuna fish mixed)The smell was not good, we hope his cooking skills got better over the years. When we found out that we were going to have a first baby, Joe was just as excited as we were and became our Daughters Godfather. I could go on forever with the memories. We never thought when we seen you less then a month ago it would be our last time, just know you will always be in our hearts. Rest in Peace Joe. They say only the good Die young and I guess the saying is true. Our prayers are with your family. Love Mike and Cathy Greeley
My condolences is with the Mahlberg family. To loose two family members so close in heartbreaking.
I would like to remember the good times we had on bus #7 and playing softball.
The world is a little less bright without Joey in it. He knew how to make you smile and laugh and welcomed you with open arms wherever he was, whatever he was doing. Tootie said it best “you were one of a kind!”
I sit and think back – Joey, the go to guy – best coach to a team of women that never played softball but he got us to State competitions – and a wonderful room mate, always willing to listen to a girl late at night. We may move apart but friends are never forgotten. God Bless.
going to braham high with joe was unforegetable. i remember the class project he did on how to shave and grow whiskers. had us laughing so hard. that was joe. always doing the unexpected with humor and a laugh. will be sorely missed. such a great person taken way to soon. will miss him dearly. going to the old softball complex, theres joe, dragging the feilds. sure going to miss you bud. condolences to all that knew joe
The stories, the laughter, the kind-heartedness. There is only one Joey. We will miss you. Our prayers go out to the Mahlberg family.
My fondest memories of Joey were when I was young and he was working at the Pub or Jolly Tapper in Isanti (not sure the name of it at the time) but whenever I was there, he would give me a Mtn. Dew and Reece’s peanutbutter cups. :) He has been a long time family friend of my family and a very sweet and generous guy from what I knew of him. Even years later, we were at a Softball beer bust in Weber and he snuck up behind me and brought me a Mtn.Dew and Reeces and said, “Do you still like these?” It made me smile. He remembered!!! You sure will be missed, Joey! But your memory will live on in all of our hearts. Rest in Peace. Condolences to your family.
To Robert, Robin and family: We are so sorry to hear of the loss of both your brothers in such a short period of time. Having just said goodbye to our own Grandma Margaret, we know and understand the hole losing a loved one leaves. Your family will always be near and dear to ours.
Some of the best times in my life was playing softball, Joey coaching. Jolly Tapper, Joey bartending and cooking. We had alot of laughs, there was never a dull moment when Joey was around. He made life fun and lived it to the fullest. You will be missed my friend. My prayers and condolences to your family and to all your friends.
my dear joey – you will be missed. growing up with you as my neighbor and best friend made life fun. especially when you ticked off my sister and round and round the house you went. I can still hear your laughter from that day. You always made everyone laugh and smile. I will miss you very much. thoughts and prayers go out to all that knew this wonderful man. god bless.
Hey Joey, i don’t quite know what to say it was a huge shock to hear, we had a blast with you, every time we were with you, alot of great memories in Battle Lake, and softball touraments. You are such a great and caring person, god bless you and miss you lots!
You were definately loving life. I remember coming into Red’s once with questions, and you had all the answers I was looking for. Not to many people in the world like you. Thoughts are with your familys sarrow.