Wallace G. Fetterley, age 81, of Cambridge and formerly of Isanti passed away April 20, 2012 at home. Funeral services will be held at 7:00 P.M. Tuesday, April 24th at Strike Funeral Home – Isanti Chapel with Chaplain Len officiating. A visitation will be held from 4:00 P.M. until the service Tuesday. Interment will be in Isanti Union Cemetery.
Wally was born in Ortonville, MN on April 23, 1930 and grew up in Beardsley, MN, where he was very active in his school with sports and school government offices. In 1963 Wally married Agnes Ryan and her eight children. Quite a change for a bachelor with no children of his own! After living in Blaine for a few years they moved up to the best 40 acres in Isanti Township. Neither of them had land experience, but they designed and built their home by themselves (with help from the kids and some friends), paying as they went. At 52 Wally survived a major heart attack where the heart was enlarged and badly damaged. He was forced into early retirement from Williams Steel in NE Minneapolis where he worked for almost 27 years. With the love and care of his wife he actually lived a decent life even though restricted in many ways. He was very active in his community, serving on the Park and Rec board for many years. He volunteered his time instructing young people on snowmobile safety so they could get a permit to ride snowmobiles. He continued his civic interests being very involved with the DFL party until his death.
Wally was preceded in death by his parents Clarence and Sarah Fetterley; (step) sons, Michael Ryan and Patrick Ryan; and in 2004, by his wife Agnes (Tootie), and by his sister, Zella Olson. He is survived by his (step) daughters; Becky (Curt) Johnson, Karen (Bernie) Kunkel, Colleen (Jerome) Jirovec, Linda Ryan, Laura (Jerry) Widell, and Sheila Mathews; grandchildren and great-grandchildren, other relatives and friends, and of course his best buddy, Punkin a little tan and white cat who helped Wally through some tough days. Though he was our Step’ Father, he could not have been loved or respected more. He will be deeply missed, but we are happy he’s back with the love of his life, our Mother.
R.I.P Wally. I will always remember the spaghetti dinners and Monday night football games,when I would come out to the family reunion,as part of the Michigan contingent. You will be missed.
We were just remembering Aunt Tootie & Uncle Wally making their trips to Michigan… we were always happy to see them !! Our visits to Minnesota would include a famous Fetterley Dinner…with as many family and friends that could make it,gathering around the big dining room table..lots of good memories. Our thoughts and prayers are with our cousins….
Beings you were our nearest neighbor for years, I have so many memories I don’t know where to begin. Riding my bike down to proudly bring your mail and newspaper, counting the pieces to make sure I didn’t drop any. I remember taking my snowmobile test with you standing there hoping Grandpa would “pass” me after I did my figure 8. Listening to you talk politics which I had no idea what you meant.
To the more recent memories of you showing my husband and kids your ships you built before you sold the house and coming to your apartment and the first thing you said is “you remind me of Linda.”
We will miss you dearly Grandpa Wally. As my oldest son said, you just wanted to celebrate your birthday with Grandma Toots. Happy Birthday and RIP.
R.I.P. Wally, and thank you for being my Brother-in-Law.You were a brave and caring man to marry my sister
and her 8 children.You were just what she need, and in turn you needed her. You will be missed, but now you and Tootie are back together again.
Our thoughts and prayers are with my nieces.
Maris and Ted
Wally was very good friend to us and to many in Isanti County. He was a man of conviction. believing in the importance of a community working together to solve it’s problems and meeting it’s challenges. We were better people because we were able to work and play with Wally. He is missed.