Thomas John Porta, age 70, of Cambridge while at his home surrounded by his loved ones, went to meet his Lord and Savior on Saturday, April 15th. His faith was turned to sight. A Memorial Service will be held at 10:30 A.M. Saturday, April 22nd at North Isanti Baptist Church in Cambridge with a visitation one hour prior. A luncheon and time for visiting will be held immediately after the service also at the church.
His legacy lives on through his wife Cindy Porta, his children Rachel (Paul) Maurer, son in law Brian Dee, Michael (Andrea) Porta, Philip (Karley) Porta, Mary (James) Klimek, Esther (Joe) Samsa, Sarah (Kyle) Hunt, Lily (Jason) Kragt, Marsha (Quinn) Richmond, his siblings Charles (Kitty) Porta, Marsha (Bruce) Torretti, nieces and nephews, and his 29 grandchildren, who he dearly loved.
Tom was born the youngest of three to his parents, Robert and Linnea (Seelund) Porta on December 24th, 1952. He was their Christmas gift. Tom grew up along with his brother, Charles, and sister, Marsha, in Iron Mountain, Michigan. To his hot blooded Italian family, he was lovingly known as “Tommy”, but the childlike nick name often didn’t fit the grit and toughness he displayed growing up. He graduated from Iron Mountain High School and later attended Michigan State University, the home of his Spartans.
After college, the Lord led Tom into a 42 year career in ministry where he served as a mentor, pastor and friend to the body of Christ. This would have come as a surprise to those who knew Tom as the “wild child” he was as a young man, but Tom always viewed these early years as part of his testimony; one that clearly pictured the power of God’s saving grace. His last gift of service was pastoring Grace Gospel Church congregation that he started in 2007.
Second only to the Lord, the great love of Tom’s life was his wife Cindy. He often referred to her as “his bride” and for 43 years looked at her with the same love and adoration as he did when they married on April 26th, 1980. He was and always will be her “knight in shining armor”. Together Tom and Cindy built a life and cherished home for their nine children. A home filled with joy, laughter and the presence of the Lord. Tom was a devoted husband and father. He led his home with grace and humility, creating for each of his children an earthly picture of what our heavenly Father’s love looks like. He loved all nine of them in such a way that they all claim they were his favorite! Over the years as Tom’s family grew and in-laws and grandchildren were added, he played a significant role in each of their lives as well. Everyone in his family and those who knew him were changed by his wisdom for the better. This wisdom will forever live in their hearts as an undying gift from their precious Thomas.
The old saying goes “to know him was to love him”, but when it comes to Tom one could change this sentiment to read, “to know him was to be loved by him”. He often preached about the Grace of God and the love of the Father; Tom daily exemplified both to his family, congregation, and friends. When he turned his eyes to the Lord, he never looked back. One could say he had an unshakable faith. This faith allowed Tom to counsel and lead many into the kingdom of Heaven.
This much is known, Tom Porta’s days were not cut short by cancer, sickness or even death. He lived a completed life and when his time came he was called home by his savior and friend Jesus. With a warm and welcoming embrace Tom heard the words, “Well done my good and faithful servant”.
We will miss you until morning, when we too cross the river and meet you our beloved husband, father and friend.
Tom is preceded in death and now reunited in Christ with his father Robert, mother Linnea and sweet daughter Anna. What a joyous reunion it must have been.
My condolences to the entire Porta Family. Spending my childhood and high school years in the company of Tom mostly from a distance as he actually frightened me. He was a fiery child and became an awesome middle linebacker using that fire to lead our team. I didn’t see Tom for years and then while at a get together at his Sister Marsha’s, I witnessed a different and kinder Tommy. I could tell Jesus had been accepted by Tom and his life would be an awesome testament to God’s love for us . It was heartwarming to hear of the lives Tom touched in his time on Earth. God Bless Tom and his Family
Tom was a great friend and pastor to me and my family. I will miss you, but look forward to seeing you again in heaven. Remember don’t let the party start until I get there.
I know that the Lord brought my family to Tom, so we could learn about the father’s Love for us. Personally, the LORD was using Tom to reparent my bad behaviors and I’m so thankful for that time.
Cindy and family this is NOT goodbye but see ya soon. This is a start of something new and exciting. The LORD has great thing in-store for each of you, hold on stand strong and see what the FATHER will do.
God bless you
Your friend,
Shawn Z
With Tom’s passing, thus closes a chapter of my early childhood. Up until the age of 9 or 10, Tom and I were as close as brothers. We ate together, slept together, had fun together and got into to little boy trouble together. We threw apples at cars, and around the 4th of July we used bottle rockets ( how did we know that one was a police car it was dark!) and we played cowboys – tying up our, ‘bad guy’ sisters although never too tight so they could eventually escape! We made a sling shot out of my grandfather’s saw-horse so we could send dried up mud balls onto the roof of Becco’s store from far away- we laughed so hard when the owners would run outside trying to determine where that strange noise was coming from. When we had permission to go to the Saturday Matinee, we would wait for the train, which was across our street, grab the ladder on one of the box cars and take a free ride to the theatre. Yes, Tom was the toughest guy around, but he was always compassionate. If he saw a big kid picking on a smaller kid, he would step in and made sure that it didn’t happen again. I still thank God that Tom and I were always on the same side when a rumble was about to begin. When Tom was a Junior in high school, a pep rally was being held with a prize for the class that was the loudest. Tom went over to a few freshmen boys and told them that they were going to yell with the Junior class. They said they couldn’t do that- Tom just gave them a look. The freshmen joined the Juniors – the Juniors won the prize! This is a sad and happy time for me. Sad to realize that Tom is no longer with us, but happy that he is now with his father, mother, Anna and many others including my grandparents who I know he loved very much as they did him. Most importantly, we all know that he is with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My heartfelt condolences to Tom’s family. I will never forget our wonderful times together.
I hardly know what to say. The Portas are such an amazing family and testament to the beauty and strength of lives yielded to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ! My first memory of Tom was sitting in on a parenting class that he led in 2005 at River of Life church. I still remember so much of what he said over the course of those 4 or 5 evenings. I continue to raise my 8 kiddoes with the influence that he and Cindy had on us. I praise the Lord for this Godly family and will keep you all in my prayers! We love and miss you and wish so badly that we could be there for the memorial. God bless each and every one of you.
It’s so hard to know what to say. Pastor Tom was such a good example of a loving and caring father. I appreciated how much he seemed to put his family first.
I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know him, since we started going to River of Life when I was 3, and later went with him to Grace Gospel.
He always brought balance to his sermons, and always preached grace and love. As a teenager who struggled with believing God really loved me, his messages were always encouraging.
I’ll never forget one Sunday morning when Pastor Tom came up to me and asked how old I was. Later that morning, he announced the beginning of a prayer group for the younger people, age 14 and up, at his house. He could tell I was lonely, and he’d purposefully made sure that I would be included in the group. I wish I would’ve told him how much that meant to me as a lonely, depressed 14-year-old girl.
I’m so grateful for the premarital counseling Pastor Tom and Cindy gave to me and my husband before we got married.
If more pastors were as humble, kind, and loving as Pastor Tom was, the church would be a lot better place.
I can’t imagine the grief his family must be feeling right now. I pray that God will give all of you peace that surpasses understanding even in the darkest night.
Tom was a very special man who influenced so many, including me with his faith and graciousness.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Porta family ! May heaven’s promise sustain you and the Lord himself hold you in His arms, as you walk through this season of grief
My heart and prayers are with the whole extended Porta family and also, his friends and church congregation ❤❤. Tom’s INCREDIBLE, loving servant heart was displayed to us 30 years ago, when he–a busy pastor with a beautiful wife and nine children–came to help us work on our ramshackle house when we first moved to Cambridge, even though he had never even met us. That was simply amazing! He also gave us very wise and loving counsel (summarized by “Don’t touch the Lord’s anointed”) when we were struggling greatly with a ministry situation. I have experienced his loving, gentle, wise, sacrificial, humble heart in numerous ways over all these years. I see he and Cindy’s incredible legacy in their wonderful children (and beyond!). Tom enabled Jesus to live and love through him beautifully, and many, many lives were consequently touched and changed–mine surely included. Thank You, Lord, for Tom…and please care well for his family and friends ❤❤.
Our prayers are with you all, and our memories are sweet of Erin and Jon’s wedding where he officiated.
Peace to all of your memories in the days ahead
Tom’s obituary is a beautiful tribute to his life and values. We will miss him. He had a generous heart and curious mind. He was always interested in talking to Greg about Greg’s work and the Packers. When we moved to Minnesota, we so appreciated the Thanksgiving meals we shared with your growing family. We were welcomed with the sentiment that there would always be room for us, no matter how many were at the table. We are grateful for those times with you.
We are sorry we can not be there in person for the funeral. May God continue to bless Tom and your family.
Tom Porta was not only my pastor, but also a mentor, father figure, and friend. He is one of three men in my lifetime that I have considered as a Paul. His Godly wisdom, humility, and steadfastness with following the Lord was a shining example of what a Christian ought to aspire to be.
Well done good and faithful servant…you have finished your race! Praise be to God that I got to know such a great and honorable man.
We are sorry to hear today of Mr. Porta’s passing . Your family is in our prayers . He is no longer in pain. He is with our Lord and Savior. Praise be to God. Love and prayers, Tom and Kathy Thunstrom
I was fortunate to have been able to call Tom my fried during the high school years. If you were his friend, nobody messed with you. I thought I’d mention something that most people may not know about him.
Though there are many fond memories of those days, one of the most notable was playing pool. Having grown up in a town with a pool hall we all became decent players. Tom on the other hand was exceptional. I can’t tell you how many times on weekend nights that none of us had any money to speak of. Tom would inevitably get into a game or tow with “adults” and win enough money for us all to enjoy the weekend.
My love and prayers to his family. He was a very kind loving man. Only good memories when it comes to Tom, Cindy, and their kids. I was going down a bad path in my teenage years in Cambridge and Tom prayed over my family while sending us off to Colorado which is where I truly fell in love with Jesus. I’m grateful for growing up around him and his family. I’ve always wanted to be the parent he was to his kids. My love to his family❤️