David J. Riccio, Jr. died on September 7, 2023. A public memorial visitation will be held 4-7 P.M. on Tuesday, September 12th at Strike Life Tributes in Isanti. A private family service is planned.
David Riccio (Little David) ( Lil Man) was born on February 13, 2007 in Des Moines, Iowa where he grew up with his father, sisters (Alexis & Lucie) and with his Grandma Linda who he thought the world of. He later moved to Minnesota as he called a beautiful, wonderful, big city and of course a lot of snow! He dominated the sport of baseball. He later was very involved in nutrition and started a strong habit of weight lifting with a lot of dedication. He was very content with hanging out at home watching sports and recorded car shows. He had a great strong interest in the car club industry and going to shows with his father. He loved informing his dad what kind of engine was in each car and estimating the value of cars. He strongly took good advice and habits from his stepmother Lisa. He had the best handful of friends a kid could ask for. His life was cut short but made a huge impact on people that loved him dearly and left this world with great memories. He had a great girlfriend named, Riley. He thought the world of her. They had a lot of fun together, made many happy memories and spent a lot of time together when they could. He loved her very much. He took a lot of pride in his job he started at the beginning of Summer which was working for the DNR watercraft checking boats in live wells at local lakes nearby. We love you David Jr. and you will be greatly missed. You will always be in our hearts. Until we meet again.
I remember one time he was behind on his protein, so he decided to take his canned chicken and put it in the blender with some water and he drank it. I asked him why he would do that cause i thought it was really funny and he just said it was too much work to chew it. I also thought it was so funny how everytime i saw him he would throw himself off of the bed just to amuse me. He would also always somehow take all of the blankets off of my bed no matter how hard they were tucked in they would always end up bunched up on the floor. i love him so much.
He was about 12 and got a new dog named princess.They came to visit and stay for a few days and it happened to be princesses birthday.David asked me if We could have a birthday party for his dog.How could I say no.I bought princess a neck scarf with happy birthday ..made her a cake..bought her a gift.Loved this boy so much,my heart hurts.I will never forget him and will always keep him in my heart.
My sweet brother, my favorite memory with you was when you were about the ages 5-8, dad would leave for work and you would put your snap back on, put all your gold chains on, sunglasses, and blast the music till the neighbors would hear. You would sing your little heart out and rap to all your favorite songs till dad got home. You would tell me you were gonna be a celebrity one day, and I just sat from afar and watched you be you. And I enjoyed every bit of it. I love you forever and always.
There was a time me and him were hanging out and we went and got chipotle ( our favorite restaurant) and he DEVOURED all of his food. He then filled an entire bag with napkins and forks and we died of laughter. little things like that meant a lot. Going to the gym with him every night were the best moments too. He always pushed me to do my best and I had the greatest workout of my life with him, that same night we were watching one of his favorite movies, scar face, and decided to get mcdonalds very last minute. Mcdonalds closes at 11pm and we showed up at EXACTLY 10:59🤣. We went home and just laughed for ever. The first time we hung out We were giving piggy back rides around my basement and we fell and just died of laughter. Me and david bonded in every way, style, music, cars. Me and david went to a 12 hour car show together with his dad and I got to watch him drive his dads car. I tried to find a matching hat with him at that car show. He also would turn and click every button in my car. Id look away for one second and turn around ( while parked obviously) and see my hazards on, ebrake pulled, sunglasses holder open, glove department, center storage, all of it was open and we laughed for what felt like forever. Hes a big part of the reason I am myself to this day, he has impacted and affected my life so much, I have never missed someone so much. I could add to this forever❤️
David was such a sweet and genuine person. I am so glad that the last time we talked we gave each other a huge hug, and I told him I loved him, that I was proud of him, and I thanked him for treating my daughter so wonderfully. He made her feel truly loved and special. To watch them together was a beautiful thing. I was so excited to watch their future together blossom. I knew their life would be exciting, and I was eager to see where it would take them. I will always love you like my own son, sweet David.
We did this thing in our math class were one of us would start making a buzzing noise with our mouth closed then either me or him would start doing it from across the room so she wouldn’t know where it was coming from and we drove her insane with that but it was so funny to me and him, and the teacher had to sit me and him so far from eachother because we couldn’t make eye contact for 2 seconds without cracking up, it was never a dull moment with him it was constant jokes and laughter
David you were such a big part of my son’s Landon’s life. You pushed him to workout and eat healthy. You guys laughed at the silliest of things. You were always such a delight to be around. I’ll never forget the first time you came and stayed at our house you brought your own protein and meal prep
(chicken and rice). You will be forever missed. Rest in peace 💙
Even though me and Carolyn have gotten to know David Jr. Since the family moved in across the street, we have been blessed to get to know them.
We have always stated that David has been a Great kid, and has always had a Smile when we see him. We have grown to Love David as one of our own and have always treated him as one of ours.
He has always been eager to help me if I asked for it and actually I have enjoyed our time we spent together. He would make me laugh and in a funny way he seemed serious when he did, but would look at me and smiled.
We are again Blessed for the short time we have spent with David, and the one thing we will never forget, is the memories.
Thank you, David for coming into our lives, and touched our hearts, and left an everlasting impression that we will cherish forever.
You will be loved, and forever missed by us.
I met David last year in geometry class. Him and Landon would make jokes and throw things around the classroom. Later that year we ended up getting lunch together and sat next to each other at a table. We would goof off and throw food and we would try to keep an empty cookie bag in the air as long as possible by blowing on it. We got in trouble for what we did so much the school had to make a rule that if you were caught throwing food you’d be in ISS for a whole week. We had lunch detention together for a day but I got out of it because I’m just slick like that. I’ll miss you every day, and my heart aches with everyone else who got to be friends with such an amazing person.
I didn’t know David very well, but seeing how much he meant to all of these people makes my heart ache. Not only for them but for his family. David was in my biology class last year, second trimester. This one day we got handed cards from Mrs. Hennen, and we both got the same card and ended up being partners for an assignment. Immediately I realized he was such a funny person through his small shy shell he had. He said something about how there was a typo on the paper and kept repeating it all hour and I just laughed with him. Oddly we clicked but never spoke again after we got an amazing grade on the assignment. Although now I wish I would have said something to further our friendship during his short short time he had left. It is absolutely crushing to think of his last thoughts and what he saw. I will continue to keep him and his family and his friends in my prayers.🕊️
David and I had a lot of classes together in school. We shared many funny moments with each other. He was such a great guy and always managed to put a smile on my face even when I wasn’t in the best mood. In world history we had to make a video of every step on how to mummify someone from a long time ago. I remember the second he hit that record button we’d both burst out laughing because we couldn’t keep a straight face. It took such a long time to complete the video. It’s one of the many memories that plays in the back of my head. I’ll miss David a lot, and he’ll always be my friend.
I don’t even know where to start. David was such a encouraging, sweet, and loving human being. I remember being in the car with him Landon and I. David would just yell the most random stuff out the window and it was hilarious. He never failed to make me laugh. It hasn’t really hit me yet that he’s really gone. It feels like i was just with him yesterday. I also remember when we would blast music in the car and he would sing it so funny and so loud. He made everyone feel so joyful no matter how they felt. He would walk past me and landon in the halls and say “HI LANDON” and landon would go “HI DAVID” and it was always there thing and i was happy to be apart of it. I was happy to be apart of David’s life in general. We always loose the most genuine and loving people. He was taken from us to soon. We all love you David and miss you more than words can explain. Prayers are sent to his other friends and family. Fly high sweet boy you will be missed.
The first time I ever met David was in our english class first trimester of 10th grade. During this time I never knew I would need and rely on him as much as i did. David was not only one of my best friends ever but he became that in only a couple months. Whether it be driving David home after some of the most excruciating workouts i’ve ever had or its us messing around after school in my car driving he was always making me laugh to the the point where i almost peed myself. David you will be missed my be and many others I wish I coul say this to your face. RIP David Riccio❤️
when we had the lion heart activity at school i remember david went on stage and sang. i wouldn’t say he was the best singer but he still made it fun for all of us. when he was done singing i was in the front row and all of the lion heart people kept telling him “don’t land on daisy” cause i has just gotten knee surgery. david was the sweetest person i knew. he was so genuine, so funny. he always knew how to make someone laugh. i’m going to miss him so much.
I remember one of the first times I met David it was at Landon’s house. Where we got bored so we went to go see scream 6 in theaters but we weren’t old enough to see it so instead we watched creed 3 but it didn’t start for 2 hours so instead of going back to Landon’s we went to the target near the theater and me and David graydon and Landon ran around target riding the bikes messing with the weights and whatever else you could think of after the movie ended we went back to Landon’s where David got on overwatch and played from the time we went to bed till all of us were awake. David was truly a great person to be around and it was all ways fun when he was there he will be missed . Gone way to soon
David lived a couple streets down from me, and we ended up meeting on the bus and would sit together. He was shy at first, but we’d always give each other weird looks to make the other laugh. I’d walk past his house and hed text me right after seeing me. We’d occasionally walk home together and share laughs about almost anything. He got excited when telling me what happened in class, or with his friends and would send videos about it. He loved cars very much, I remember he told me he’s always wanted a gen 5 viper with snakeskin green. I’d send pics of cars I saw and He’d name them right away. He’d growl at me in the hallway at school and We’d both turn around and look at each other then laugh. I could go on forever about him. I’m glad I had the chance to meet such an amazing, funny, wonderful person. I miss him so much. He’ll forever be in my heart
Little Dave, damn do you look like your old man. My heart aches.. Always going to remember you as a well rounded quiet, but respectful kid who had the smarts to take you anywhere or do anything in life you wanted to.
Anytime we talked rather sports, or Call of Duty you brought a smile to my face. I’m saddened you had to go, I seen so much determination from when I met you to the last time I seen you. You grew up to be a man quickly from the boy I first met. I know my son Madden looked up to you from afar and I know a piece of him wants to have that motivation you have to better himself so I thank him for being that role model to my son.
Little Dave you are gone but never forgotten.
Dave and my sister Lisa, I love you guys. My hearts with you.
David was my favorite friend of Landon´s(My brother) He would always come over and spend the night. We all miss our little man may him rest in peace.